Terms & Conditions for New Year Sale 2025

  1. The Spend and Save promo valid starts on 1st January 2025 at 00:00 and ends on 6th January 2025 at 23:59.

  2. The Spend and Save promo is available for all qualifying in-store and online purchases.

  3. The Mystery Gift Box (Product ID: 156078) will be automatically added to cart at no extra cost once the minimum spend of $2500 has been reached.

  4. Our staff member will apply gift box at the point of sales if you are an in-store customer.

  5. The promo will be applied automatically online if the conditions are met at the checkout. If you are an in-store customer, our staff member will assist you in applying for the discount onsite.

  6. The above Spend & Save promotion can be applied to the recommended retail price. It is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers & promotions.

  7. The Spend and Save promotion does NOT apply to sales items, gift cards, and gift boxes.

  8. The Spend and Save promotion does apply to Nardi, Umbrella Range, EcoSmart, Blinde and Heatscope products.

  9. Minimum Spend $1000 for Spend and Save promotion. Delivery fees and services do not constitute a part of this total.

  10. The extra 5% OFF welcome offer can not be in conjunction with Spend and Save. Valid senior card holders are eligible to enjoy an extra 5% Off in-store.

  11. Instant discount applied at checkout when eligible:
    SAVE $100 when you spend $1000
    SAVE $300 when you spend $2000
    SAVE $500 when you spend $3000
    SAVE $1000 when you spend $5000